Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Big Babies, Percheron's

&copy: Ann Hoffpauir

                                          The Big Babies, Percheron’s

   The two young draft horses in this watercolor are like the title indicates, big babies.  This breed of draft horse is called Percheron.  The draft horse is a very gentle and docile animal, making them easier to train and work with compared to regular sized horses.

   My youngest sister and dad bought and worked them.  I wanted to show the size of them by comparing them to a person.   My sister used the old beat up bucket to get the horses’ attention to come up to the barn so she could harness them for work or whatever.  This method works very well because when they see the bucket they think food.

   This watercolor is size 15x18.  I may be contacted at  or visit my website at