Well, here is my last painting session on this piece. I did more of the detail work on the longhorns by touching up on the body, faces and horns and leaving the undertone to show through on the underside of the belly, legs and faces. The undertone is thinly applied in the beginning process. By leaving some of the undertone showing I think it brings a glow to the painting. The light areas are applied with thicker paint. The "white" on the longhorns is actually a very pale orange and a pale blue. These colors make the animals appear very white in those areas. Longhorns are majestic looking animals to me. These particular longhorns appear very docile and the sun has warmed them enough that they look sleepy. Kinda like people. At least for me. It's like on a cool crisp day and your outside in a lawn chair enjoying the day and the sun warms you...I get so sleepy. I think that's what happening to these longhorns. The one on the right looks a little perturbed though, something roused him from his potential nap. Now the hard part, naming this painting.
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